Montfort & Lynch

Temporary website

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Global Presence

About Us

Based in Chicago – Illinois/United States, Montfort & Lynch operates in several segments and countries around the world.



SparkUp is an innovative platform that empowers entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into successful businesses. We offer expert advice, top-notch website development and access to financial help, all under one roof.


Our mission is to bring sellers and buyers together to make the most of Black Friday and other special shopping occasions.

International Art Fair

Virtual Art Fair bringing together artists from 19 countries. Expose your work in different countries with our aid.


Be easily seen. Be a part of the platform that puts you in the spotlight. Seize the global opportunities within your reach.


Our platform connects exceptional talents like yours to renowned agencies, spread through every corner of the world.


With our innovative platform, you have the power to publish your personal profile and showcase your unique skills to a global audience of scouts, coaches and recruiters.


Be easily seen. Be a part of the platform that puts you in the spotlight. Seize the global opportunities within your reach.


Be easily seen. Be a part of the platform that puts you in the spotlight. Seize the global opportunities within your reach.


It is focused on turning you into a Digital Influencer, and on generating more views on your YouTube Channel and on other platforms.

Corbusier Plaza


Generate Business Without Borders

ML Corporation

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